"Love You Too":
Distance Dating App

Self driven project
Visual Designer
Motion Designer
Tools Used
Sketch, Adobe After Effects, Photoshop
Long-distance relationships are notoriously difficult; particularly, when you involve time zone differences that leave little time for meaningful interactions.

I wanted to create an app that modernized the concept of a "love-note", allowing users to creatively express affection by scheduling and sending customized notes.

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While physical distance is the most well-known challenge of a long-distance relationship, timezone distance is also real: it creates a difficult scenario where one partner often falls asleep before the other wakes up.

The problem with this is that it moves most of the couple's contact from "live" interactions to "scheduled" ones like letters and gifts. It helps to get creative!


Since couples were already using communications like letters and emails to keep up, I wanted to build a platform that allowed them to do it better!

The app allows partners to easily schedule and send love notes. For example, users can receive a letter at lunch while their partner has been asleep for hours!

They're encouraged to be creative in using drawings or animations to make the notes truly personal.

Scheduling Between Time Zones

The time zone slider providers users with a way to see when their message will be sent to their partner.

An advanced selection allows them to pick from presets like their partner's breakfast-time and other options.

Image Wrapping

Further iterating my schedule feature, I encouraged users to personalize their notes with custom "wrappers": giving them the agency to truly customize their notes.

On the other partner's end, it gives them a more personal "unwrapping" experience.

Image Editing

In order to further support the use of overlaid drawings and text, I created a filter and gradient map feature that can be used to stylize any photo.


Lastly, I added a "whiteboard" feature that users could draw on together. This interaction allows users to leave drawings or other items for their partners to wake up to—and creatively collaborate on.


Building meaningful relationships is hard enough, without the difficulty of long-distance communication!

This began as a lighthearted investigation into how to make my friends' lives better, but over the course of this project I've learned how important creativity and affection are when it comes to overcoming barriers like distance.

From a design standpoint, I had to strike a balance between a visual design that encouraged creativity and intimacy, while also creating a smooth and repeatable user flow.

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